
This site AIRPIC – AIRcraft and other transportation PICtures – (further referred to as website) is a non-profit personal project by Christoph Kugler (webmaster). The website and its contents, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of the webmaster. The information and data (content) contained in this website are provided by the webmaster. The content subject to copyright law and may be used for informational purposes use only. The webmaster intends for the content to be accurate and reliable, however, the webmaster cannot guarantee the accuracy, validity or reliability of the content. All content is provided ‘as is’. The use of the content is solely the responsibility of the user. Information on this site may or may not be current as of the date of your access, the webmaster has no duty to update and maintain the information, reports or statements on the site. The website is designed by the webmaster and subject to copyright laws. ‘AIRPIC’ is not a trademark, registered name or company, it is merely a title for this personal website.

This site was named until mid 2014 AIRPIC - AIRcraft PICtures from Switzerland. The name was changed in order to reflect the larger scope of images shown here.

The views and opinions offered herein are personal and therefore not necessarily congruent with those of the Swiss Government, Parliament, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior or other institutions in Switzerland. The author is in no official capacity associated with, or in the service of, these or any other Swiss civil or military authorities.

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